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Our Grant Providers

NPUK relies on grants and voluntary donations to ensure that we can continue our work supporting those affected by Niemann-Pick diseases, their families and friends. That’s why we are so grateful to our generous grant funders for choosing to recognise and support the work we do to meet the needs of our community:

BBC Children in Need:

Since 1999, we have received the grant funding from BBC Children in Need to part-fund the role of our Clinical Nurse Specialist. This has enabled us to build an expert service that provides much-needed clinical and practical support to affected children, their siblings and the children of affected adults. This specialist support that is not available elsewhere and would not exist without the kindness and generosity of all those donating to the BBC Children in Need Appeal each year.

Pictured: Shona Beveridge (17, NPC), with The One Show’s Matt Baker and Alex Jones – Shona took part in the Rickshaw Challenge 2017 in support of BBC Children in Need. 

The Big Lottery Fund:

Our National Lottery Community Fund project, “Shaping our Future Together”, provided a fantastic opportunity to enhance and further develop our support services for those affected by Niemann-Pick diseases, their families and the wider community, from diagnosis and beyond. Now completed, this five-year project was an incredibly impactful chapter for our small community with many positive impacts and lasting benefits for those we support. 

The Hollie Foundation: 

The National Lottery Community Fund have also granted funding to support our work in mental health and wellbeing, enabling to meet the increasing needs of our community.  The need for this project was determined by our community members, who helped to shape this project by working with our Counselling and WellBeing Officer to develop and implement new services and resources that will more effectively support emotional resilience and mental wellbeing.

Pictured: The Hollie Foundation Co-founder and NPUK Trustee Helen Carter (third from the left) represented NPUK at the 5th Biennial “Face to Face” International Niemann-Pick Disease Alliance (INPDA) Meeting 2017. 



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Calling all NPC Patients & Families: your help is needed!

Jackson Pountney, a PhD student at Aston University in Birmingham, needs your help. Jackson is undertaking a research project that will help us to better understand the impact of NPC on quality of life. This important work will help to advance understanding of NPC and support access to treatments in the UK and beyond...

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