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Get Your Jeans On! #NPUK

Posted: 18.08.17

Time to get your jeans ? on!  This year, #NPUK is proud to be partnering with Genetic Disorders UK on #jeansforgenesday2017!  This means that we will benefit from their new 50/50 income share scheme, which raises funds for both organisations whilst raising awareness and changing the future for all those affected by genetic conditions!


If your child’s school or your workplace has never taken part in Jeans for Genes Day (or not in the last 3 years), you can choose to nominate #NPUK as your chosen charity on registration, ensuring that both #NPUK and #GDUK equally benefit from any funds raised – 50/50!

This is a great opportunity for us, however we need your help to spread the word and persuade your school or workplace to take part! Find out more or sign up and choose us as a 50/50 partner here: