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Where to Find Additional Support

More Assistance

You’ll find an extensive list of organisations and services over at the Useful Resources and Linkssection of this site…as the name suggests they can be rather handy, and may be of great assistance to you!

But please remember: we want this site to be a place where information is easily accessible, and also understandable – so if that is ever not the case, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so that we can talk you through anything complicated. We will do everything in our power to help you.


For instance:

  • Our Families Officer can help you to locate the services and support available to you in your local area, and can also provide advice regarding housing, benefits, and education.
  • Our Clinical Nurse Specialist can direct you to your local health care services, or liaise with your health and social care team, which may include your Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist or Social Worker.
  • And the good people at our Central Office can use their experience and expertise to provide comprehension on the range of information you will be faced with – as well as lending a comforting ear whenever you may need it.

We are always just a phone call (0191 415 0693) or email ( away. So you needn’t ever feel lost or disillusioned as you always have a friend in NPUK.

(Keeping a record of the people who help you can make it easier to get support when you need it.  Try to keep a list of their contact details handy – or get in touch with us and we will provide you with all we have!)


Latest news


Calling all NPC Patients & Families: your help is needed!

Jackson Pountney, a PhD student at Aston University in Birmingham, needs your help. Jackson is undertaking a research project that will help us to better understand the impact of NPC on quality of life. This important work will help to advance understanding of NPC and support access to treatments in the UK and beyond...

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