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COVID-19 Webinar, Monday 23rd March

Posted: 23.03.20

COVID-19 Webinar, Monday 23rd March, answers YOUR questions!

This webinar has been organised by patient organisations working in the field of Inherited Metabolic Diseases (IMD). It is open to patients and families affected by IMD and it aims to address questions raised by the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Get clearer on COVID-19, NPUK COVID-19 Response

Please note that there will be no live Q&A during the webinar and that we will not be able to address questions relating to specific patients or conditions. Questions received during the webinar will be appropriately addressed as quickly as possible.

If you have questions relating to clinical care, please contact your metabolic team direct. Your specific patient organisation may also be able to offer support.

The link is as follows: – please bookmark!

#COVID19 #Webinar #NiemannPickUK #NPUK #LSDCollab