We are pleased to share the full programme for this year’s Annual Family Conference & Interactive Workshop on Niemann-Pick Diseases, which will be the very first digital Conference we have held. Despite this we are sure it will be an informative, supportive, and entertaining weekend for all of the friends and families within our community:
LOWRES NPUK Conf27 print Programme finIf you have not registered for the event and wish to attend simply complete the quick and easy form (link here). If you have any issues with the form or queries regarding the Conference programme please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at: info@npuk.org or by phone on: 0191 415 06 93 and we will do all we can to resolve the problem.
#NPUKConf2020 #NPUKIW2020 #NPUKDigital #NPUKFamily #NiemannPickUK #NPUK