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NPUK Care & Support Services Survey

Posted: 27.04.22

NPUK is inviting the community to share your thoughts about our Care and Support services by completing a short survey.

Our Care and Support team is central to the work we do at NPUK, as our main focus, above all else, is to provide unique care and support services to families and friends affected by Niemann-Pick disease (ASMD or NPC). Since 1991 we have continually developed our service so we can better serve those who need it most. Many of the individuals who work within the charity have been directly affected by Niemann-Pick in their personal lives, which adds unity and shared understanding of the potential struggles and subsequent help you may need. Through the dedicated work of our Care and Support team, which consists of Clinical Nurse Specialist Laura Bell, Families Officer Louise Metcalfe, and Counselling & Wellbeing Officer Steve Neal, we work to ensure that our community feel well supported. It is only through the feedback and suggestions of our incredible community that we have been able to review and improve these services over the years, to adjust and match the needs of the community we support. As such, surveys such as the one linked below are vital to ensuring our services are best suited to the NPUK community and continue to grow with the community.

The survey consists of 14 questions and will take approximately 3 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous. We encourage participants to be as honest as possible, as such feedback is the best way to ensure our services keep on improving, assisting us in planning for the future.

View and complete the survey, here