We are pleased to be able to share with you the latest issue of NPUK News. This Autumn/Winter 2020 issue is in fact the only physical magazine we have developed this year, due to issues presented by the COVID situation. We have instead provided monthly updates to keep our community as informed as possible during these strange times. An unintended positive is that this bumper 2020 edition serves as a reminder that despite the challenges this year has thrown at us as individuals, families, and as a community, we have much to be proud of and much to celebrate! You can download it here, or view it below:
NPUK News Autumn Winter 2020 SMALL FILEPhysical copies are also currently in the post to all of those on our mailing list, and will arrive in time for Christmas – we hope you find it to be an informative and entertaining read.
#NPUKNews #NiemannPickUK #NPUK