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NPUK News: Winter 2018 Issue

Posted: 01.02.18

The NPUK News Winter 2018 Issue is now available, featuring research and clinical trial updates, fundraising news, and much much more…

“Welcome to our Winter newsletter, I hope you agree that the information and updates it contains are interesting and informative and that it shows the breadth of what is happening across NPUK.” – Dr. William Evans, NPUK Chair

To download the newsletter in full, click here.

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of NPUK News, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this edition. Please continue to submit articles, stories, poems, advice, children’s contributions, fund-raising ideas, and anything else you feel may be of interest…especially photographs! Send your contributions for the next edition of NPUK News to John, our Social Media and Communications Officer, by email at:, or by post at: Niemann-Pick UK, Suite 2, Vermont House, Concord, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE37 2SQ.

Disclaimer: Information which appears in this newsletter is for the express purpose of raising awareness and does not necessarily reflect the views of NPUK. All medical information should be reviewed with your doctor before being acted upon.